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HeelBrabant AfscheidingsBeweging

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HeelBrabant AfscheidingsBeweging Empty Eric Jon Phelps van Vatican Assassins beschrijft de Afscheiding van Washington DC

Bericht  Roelfzema za nov 07, 2009 6:03 pm

In het eerste gedeelte het programma, een beschrijving van de secession van de USA. Zoals Professor Phelps zich dit voorstelt. Vanuit de historische basis van de Amerikaanse Grondwet gebaseerd op afscheidings beweging, gecombineerd met de realiteit van vandaag de dag.


De rassenscheiding die deze secessie beweging voorstaat, is dezelfde als de Zuid Afrikaanse Apartheid onder Hendrik Verwoerd.

Aantal berichten : 349
Woonplaats : Heelbrabant
Points : 5913
Reputation : 7
Registration date : 26-12-08

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HeelBrabant AfscheidingsBeweging Empty Biblical truth in History and Prophecy oct 9 2009

Bericht  Roelfzema zo okt 11, 2009 11:39 pm

http://www.mediafire.com/file/meyydfymn2n/Eric Jon Phelps - October 09, 2009.mp3


Agenda 21 with guest Walt Williams
Agenda 21 is a genocide Agenda, using the United Nations as a proxy. Agenda 21 is een genocide Agenda, waarbij de Verenigde Naties als instrument dienen. Walt Williams heeft veel overzicht over de plundering van de industrie in Protestantse landen. Hier in Nederland is alle militaire industie geplunderd onder de regering van Prins Bernhard en Koningin Juliana, waarbij Rooms Katteklieken zelfs Minister President werden. Dit is enigzins verbeterd onder Koningin Beatrix, de laatse 10 jaar hebben we geen paap gehad, maar we worden nog steeds geplunderd. Behalve Fokker, RDM, DAF, onze militaire industrie, zijn de boeren vernietigd door Varkenspest en Mond en Klauwzeer propaganda, waardoor ook ons voedsel in handen is van de Globalisten, zoals deze papisten vaak genoemt worden. Zelf geven ze de schuld aan de Joden, net als in Duitsland bijna een eeuw geleden, omdat er in de USA nog steeds veel Joden wonen, die lieden als Dries van Agt en Ruud Lubbers ook willen gaan uitmoorden. Op het concilie van Trente wordt nog steeds gezweerd door elke nieuwe Paus. Dries van Agt ondersteunt momenteel de gangbare propaganda hier in Nederland, gericht tegen de Joden die nog leven in Israel.
(ik kan niet garanderen, dat Dries van Agt zijn leugens over Israel niet zal gaan ontkennen, als tie ontdekt dat ie ontmanteld is)

Ruud Lubbers is voor zover mij bekend werkzaam geraakt bij de Verenigde Naties.
HeelBrabant AfscheidingsBeweging 1255289075-50
Lauwerkrans Romeins of Brits?

Wat nieuw was voor mij in dit programma, is dat Eric Jon Phelps ook verteld, dat Prins Maurits vergiftigd is door de papisten. Pijnlijk om te horen.

Aantal berichten : 349
Woonplaats : Heelbrabant
Points : 5913
Reputation : 7
Registration date : 26-12-08

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HeelBrabant AfscheidingsBeweging Empty Tom Freiss

Bericht  Roelfzema ma okt 05, 2009 1:19 am

Idea Goed idee Butcher.
Arctic Beacon is de beste informatie bron op de planeet!

Hier nog een interview met Chris Strunk, door Tom Freiss.
Op zich een beter interview om mee te beginnen, omdat Tom Freiss in de aanvang van het programma uitlegt wat de politiek of militaire situatie is in de USA. bounce

Tom Freiss interviewt Christopher Strunk

Op dat Youtube kanaal zijn alleen Nederlanders als subscribers cyclops

Aantal berichten : 349
Woonplaats : Heelbrabant
Points : 5913
Reputation : 7
Registration date : 26-12-08

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HeelBrabant AfscheidingsBeweging Empty Radio interview met Chris Strunk

Bericht  Butcherprophet zo okt 04, 2009 9:28 pm

Dit radio interview bevat betere en overzichtelijkere informatie dan de video

Greg Szymanski interviewed Chris Strunk op 9 september jongstleden.
Hij is weer bezig met een rechtszaak tegen de Zwartrokken. Gezien de views van de youtube filmpjes van Chris Strunk en de recente censuuraanvallen door Yayabla op mijn artikel daar, al is het gelukkig wel gepubliceerd, zie ik geen licht aan het einde van deze tunnel. Slachtoffers zijn ondermeer de Nederlanders in Zuid Afrika, die niet enkel in de steek worden gelaten door de Nederlanders die allemaal letterlijk doen wat de Zwartrokken willen, mij aanvallen als ik protesteer tegen de gemakkelijke leugens waarmee de denken te ontsnappen aan het eeuwige hellevuur dat waarheid heet. Moge de sporadische Nederlander, Belg of Zuid Afrikaan die wat slimmer is genieten van deze website, zolang die nog bestaat.

Aantal berichten : 145
Leeftijd : 79
Woonplaats : Normandië
Points : 5700
Reputation : 0
Registration date : 23-02-09

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HeelBrabant AfscheidingsBeweging Empty Nederland nu

Bericht  dragonfist za okt 03, 2009 12:39 pm

Mulikulturele genocide door buitenlanders.

Anglo Boer War


Aantal berichten : 67
Leeftijd : 55
Woonplaats : tuin
Points : 5640
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Registration date : 28-12-08

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HeelBrabant AfscheidingsBeweging Empty Hier is Chris Strunk op video

Bericht  Butcherprophet wo sep 23, 2009 3:18 pm

There are 12 Chris Strunk video's uploaded here;

Chris Strunk back on Speak Up with Sandra Schulte 1 of 3

Dit gaat over de illegale status van Barry Davis.

Christopher Strunk - Air date: 06-26-08

Deze over wat biografie en over de Secessie van New York met Democratie als instrument. Beetje naïef, want een Republikein die Democratie gebruikt, ondergraaft de eigen fundamenten. Maar wel interessant. Er is wat uitgelegd over de Koude Oorlog hoax, zoals die door het Amerikaans militair industrieel complex georganiseerd was. Er is veel Amerikaanse binnenland politiek, waardoor veel stukken in het interview wat saai zijn. Ik moet zeggen Greg Szymanski is een sensationeler interviewer dan Harold Channer. Sadam Hussain liet zich betalen in Euro's inplaats van Dollars, wat door verschillende lieden gezien wordt als de oorzaak van de Oorlog daar, een symptoom van een diepere oorzaak.

October 2007 Investigative Journal LRN mp3 Archive
Greg Szymanski ... Guest Christopher Strunk who talks about Blackcoat intrigue and their land grab ... hiddenfromhistory@*****.ca CFRO Radio FM (MP3: October 10, ...
arcticbeacon.com/audio/2007/2007-LRN/10- 2007-LRN - 32k - Cached

December 14, 2007 Investigative Journal LRN mp3 Archive - Guest Chris ...
Greg Szymanski. Check out the Hidden History Series on the Vatican and Blackcoat Order. ... Greg interviews Chris Strunk, candidate for Senate in the New York ...
arcticbeacon.com/audio/2007/2007-LRN/12- 2007-LRN/1214-2007

There's much more stuff from New Amsterdam's diplomat Chris Strunk there.

In het interview met Harold Channer, worden ook de Maltezer Ridders ter sprake gebracht.
Een goede research is te vinden hier;
Voor zover mijn onderzoek wat aan het licht bracht, is de Prins van Oranje een Maltezer Ridder sedert Koning Willem 3 en is de Maltezer Ridder lobby pas sedert de 2e Wereld Oorlog terug een militaire orde van het Vatikaan, nadat Malta gebombardeerd was door Benito Mussolini. De referenties van Dutchphil en Strunk zijn grotendeels via Eric Jon Phelps, die de Maltezer Ridders betrokken zag bij de moord op John F Kennedy en als belangrijke personen aan de top van het internationale Militaire Industriële Complex van de Contrareformatie met de Constantijnse Ridder Ordes, waarvan de Zwartrokken gebruik maken.

Aantal berichten : 145
Leeftijd : 79
Woonplaats : Normandië
Points : 5700
Reputation : 0
Registration date : 23-02-09

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HeelBrabant AfscheidingsBeweging Empty Geen titels

Bericht  Roelfzema wo sep 09, 2009 4:38 am

Oppergeus schreef:Maar denk er eens over om gemeenteraden en dergelijke te lynchen, inplaats van Katholieken, want volgens mij zijn de meeste Katholieken zo bekeerd,..
Dat valt wel mee met die Gemeenteraden. Men kan elke beroepsgroep zo wel aanspreken. Ja, nou, Maarten Luther was ook Katholiek, William Tyndale studeerde klassieke talen op het semenarie en zo meer, maar die lieden hadden zich wel bekeerd.

Katholieken zijn de target. Als je denkt dat dit niet de target is, dan zal je toch met sterkere argumenten moeten komen, Oppergeus. Adolf Hitler en de gehele NAZI top waren Rooms Katholiek, Napoleon was opgevoed door de Zwartrokken van Corsica. Katholieken zijn de heidense Luciferisten die hier veroorzaken dat de mensen Markten houden op de Sabbath, waardoor de toorn Gods en die der voorouders op ons rust. In de 80~jarige oorlog werd de Sabbath onderhouden, iedereen die op objectieve wijze de Bijbel bestudeerd, komt tot dezelfde conclusie. Niet enkel vanuit de 10 geboden. Hier, kijk maar eens wat de profeet Jeremia er van zegt:

Jeremia 17:27
Maer indien ghy nae my niet en sult hooren, om den Sabbath-dach te heyligen, ende om geenen last te dragen, als ghy op den Sabbath-dach door de poorten van Ierusalem ingaet; so sal ick een vyer in hare poorten aensteken, dat de Palleysen van Ierusalem sal verteeren, ende niet worden uytgebluscht.
Dit beschrijft de woede van God.

Aantal berichten : 349
Woonplaats : Heelbrabant
Points : 5913
Reputation : 7
Registration date : 26-12-08

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HeelBrabant AfscheidingsBeweging Empty Indrukwekkend

Bericht  Oppergeus di sep 08, 2009 3:58 am

Een indrukwekkende actie, Roelfzema.

Ik hoop dat het lukt, want elke dag worden hier industrie en bedrijven vernietigd door de bizonder vijandig gezinde overheid, een overheid die slechts propaganda als argument gebruikt voor hun laffe campagne's tegen het Calvinisme en het Nederlandse volk. Maar denk er eens over om gemeenteraden en dergelijke te lynchen, inplaats van Katholieken, want volgens mij zijn de meeste Katholieken zo bekeerd, als ze weten dat de Rooms Katholieke Papentempel een heidense tempel van Lucifer is, waar de Antichrist en de leugenprofeet de dienst uit maken. Zowel Hiroshima als Nagasaki zijn gebombardeerd door de zwaar papistische Amerikanen, die bovendien Papistisch zijn, omdat Nederland nu bij wet verplichtte zondag en door de media gepropageerde godslasterlijke Sinterklaas aanbidding insteld.

Ik zou liever een secessie samen met Japan zien.
Japan is aanmerkelijk intelligenter dan de USA.

Ik zal kijken of ik online materiaal kan vinden over Chris Strunk, want die New York secessie beweging is wel interessant.

Christopher Strunk heeft een website hier:
Daar zijn ook interviews te downloaden, waarin de geshiedenis van Nieuw Amsterdam en New York wordt uitgelegd.

Voor mensen die niet bekend zijn met Eric Jon Phelps, deze heeft een website hier:
Dit betreft de secessie beweging voor Pensylvania.

Aantal berichten : 124
Points : 6082
Reputation : 0
Registration date : 22-12-08


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HeelBrabant AfscheidingsBeweging Empty part 3

Bericht  Roelfzema di sep 08, 2009 3:30 am

The Dutch Republic has never recovered from Napoleon's invasion, and the Propaganda behind the Patriot Revolt attributed to Baron from Cappelle to the Pol's pamphlet, that calls for a Revolt against William Silent and accuses the Prince the Orange of co operating to the British. This pamphlet was the 18th century's "Mein Kampf" of Napoleon in Holland, and in support of the Masonic Revolt in France refered to as the French Revolution during the time the Blackcoats where expelled by the Pope. The Atheist and Masonic Bataf Republic by the Patriot Faction tried to replace the Calvinist Theocratic Dutch Republic, before Napoleon invaded. Since the country was agitated into 2 fighting camps, it was unable to defend themselves against the in hypocrisy united French invaders, welcomed by the traitorous Patriots, supported by the expelled , a great cover, international intelligence community of the Vatican. Maybe you know that Prussia before would help out Holland against this Patriot revolt in the 1700's, thanks to great relations from Aristocracy, but than Napoleon started to help out the Patriot Faction, so it was easy to invade because of all the ignorant traitors. After Napoleon invaded, Roman Catholics where placed back in the places where they where expelled for 200 years. I myself am an Orangist Republican, a Loyalist, a Counter Armenian, but not Reformed. I agree with Ian Paisley. Preachers in the Netherlands are attacked in the way Alberto Rivera describes. And sabotaged; I had my Radio programs sabotaged by the Fabian Socialists and my Polical career by Opus Dei. Catholics run both parts of the Hegelian Dialectic, this Hegelian Dialectic is enforced by complete control over the Newspapers in the Netherlands. All of them are Propaganda, if not it gets sabotaged. This ignorance is making the people very evil, in order for them to accept Roman Catholic infiltration of Government and any where else. There are many Redemptorists in the Netherlands, also Sisters of Charity. Redemptorists that I encountered, are busy with mission work, they said. There was a lot of mission work in the North. I also encountered Roman Catholic Pastors setting up Protestant Churches, when I studied with the Papists. Communism in the Netherlands was often run by Roman Catholic theologians, because these are trained to handle such collectivist intellectual craft. Further I am not a Papist myself, never have been, but since my parents are Papists, I had a hard time finding Bible knowledge. My parents are anti-Bible because good Catholics, and mock me for me being so stupid to quote from it when I was younger. Well, I tried Roman Catholicism for 2 months, and decided that Roman Catholicism is Luciferianism only, a downhill sure road to Hellfire, assist the Lord of Hosts! No truth is found in it. Roman Catholics have been burning, attacking Bibles openly until 1963, and decided to do this secretly after the 2nd Vatican Council, for Ecumenical strategy only. I know this for sure, because my late grandma told me that it is illegal for a Roman Catholic to have a Bible in possession, so I had to tell her about the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council from 1963, in order to explain this was legal to Roman Catholics from than on, "seperated brethern". This conversation might have been while I was trying out what Roman Catholicism is about, while studying the Bible on the matter. That gave some problems with the confessor there, it made him very angry that I would sometimes quote from the Bible. I've never confessed, because Catholics and others in the Netherlands seem not te be allowed to take confessions, logical. Some traces of the Dutch constitution, consisting of Plakkaten, wich where some kinda documents that where used in order to prevent Roman Catholic Propaganda, is still found in the more or less legal remains of the Dutch Theocratic Calvinist Republic, most of all in the official documents of the House of Orange and the Kingdom of the Netherlands, that is a result of the Kingdom of Heaven, not the other way around as the British have made their monarchial construct. The British Monarchy creates the Kingdom of Heaven, while the Dutch Monarchy is a result of the Kingdom of Heaven. This is a compleet other system, any how, for a Dutchman William the Silent is more or less infallible, the house of Orange is protecting His Story by mere existing. As long as there is a House of Orange, the history of Reformation and the 80~year war, the origen of the Dutch Language and Orange Freestate, Orange County, the great wistle blower Orange Marsch in Northern Ireland, and any other historical references can NOT be forgotten. So protecting His Story, is making Prince Bernhard and other men that would have that title infallible from the title; Prince the Orange, most often born that way, so can not be corrupted by bribery. Prince Bernhard however was married in, so was not that much protected against bribery, but thanks that bribery in the Lockheed Affair, I know that Lockheed Martin is bribing Dutch Politicians, as we see that these traitors would sent 8 Billion Euro´s of stolen money under the propaganda word taxes to Lockheed Martin, for a plane that doesn´t exist, the Joint Strike Fighter, after Fortuyn was killed, after local industry Fokker airspace, RDM ship industry, DAF motorized vehicles was sabotaged, destroyed, and under hostile take over by the Enemy, for their International Monopolized Military Industrial Complex. Including food industry and medical inquisition by law and secret service. The title of the Prince the Orange is proof for Reformation, Deridius Erasmus, Creation of the Bible, origen of truth. Further all Ecumenists are Roman Catholics, because the First Vatican Council in Nicea in 325 was called the First Ecumenical Council. The same strategy for Helly Inquisition is used as for almost 1700 years now. Rome doesn't change.

Any way, I hope you understand that South Africa was a free choice of the people, not refugees, and that the Native language of these people is Dutch, not German. And Calvinist, not Anglican as their hostile invaders are. Well, I heared that some Germans also would move there, but they can at the start not understand the Native South African Language, het Afrikaans, that is Dutch, just as Flemish and Amish language is Dutch. Dutch language is just as much different as English form German or French, it´s a local and national creation. A language based on the Bible Translations in our common language in the 1600's. Unlike French, German and British language I might ad, because the King James 1611, is in no way the standard of the British language, as the First States Bible is to the Dutch language, although will have influenced it. The Dutch language standard was created in the same period the Bible would get spread, that made this possible. A language based on the Bible, teached from the Bible to the children. South Africa is isolated from the Dutch Republic for over 200 years now, while Roman Catholics here in Holland become Prime Ministers, my hands are itching for a Lynch Party on this huge Fabian Socialist construct. The 3 main parties in the Netherlands are based on the following Hegelian Dialectic social forgeries, in Dutch "verzuiling". The meaning of that word sounds like some Greek or Roman pagan temple, a horrible Romanist word invented by agitating traitors:
1. Right-wing: Patriot Revolt philosophy for right-wing attacking Liberals (VVD) If translated, the Dutch name of that party looks like the philosophy of the French Revolution, and acknowledged relation by historians, so is Masonic and in support of the Bataf Republic of the Patriot Faction. They claim to be Orangists, and support Revolutionairy Patriots as Geert Wilders, who was arrested in Britain, a Fascist that is a new party, the only party allowed to claim defense against the serious hostile Moslem invasion of Europe. These moslems get military training from the Vaticanite international intelligence network, according to sources, under the cover of the Al Quaida Conspiracy Theory, that is violently enforced by all newspapers and any other magazines, TV and Radio. Traitors. Because Johnny Rotten is a Nationalist, while Liberalists Equalists with Masonic Brotherhood perversion is superstition and a hostile infiltration.
2. Center: Roman Catholic Ecumenical perversion for attacking Protestants. Centre, as Edmond Paris described in Secrets of the Blackcoats, Roman Catholic Center parties in Europe (CDA) Calling themselves Christian Democrats. These Ecumenical European parties have the filosophy attibuted to Opus Dei, according to Alberto Rivera. According to my grandma, all Roman Catholics in the Netherlands had to vote on that party, otherwise had to go to purgatory for many thousands of years, and these things are really believed by all Roman Catholics under the threat of Excummunication is seems. Traitors. Since Ecumenical conduct is not allowed in the Dutch Constitution, all party members there are traitors and vote riggers. Remonstrants where expelled from the Netherlands, Oldenbarneveld was beheaded, Catholics must be arrested and not made into partners in crime, blasphemy, perversion, Bible persecution, lies, mocking Jesus Christ. Transsubstantiation!
3. Left-wing: Fabian Socialists attacking intellectuals by using the most fanatic morons found here, according to their beliefs. (PvdA) Mostly done by infiltrating Blackcoats and other ignorant secret societies. The translation of the name gives the same name as the party where Adolph Hitler was the candidate, NSDAP, and the words on the Auswitsch entrance, Arbeit Macht Frei. I also saw them using a Jan Roothaan symbol in the past, that is also found on the flag of Walloons. Every province here has their own flag, mine is rather boring. Any ways, propaganda here says that Hitler was: Right-wing. All people believe that Hegelian nonsense according to the press, so believe that PvdA is another party than the party of Adolph Hitler, because European Propaganda calls Dutch PvdA, German SPD and British Labor: Left-wing. This is over here the party, that started huge military enforced immigration here of moslems, while protected by propaganda and assassinations (Drs. Janmaat) to make that possible. Traitors. The same as Labor in Britain, National Socialists = NAZI's. In Germany this party is called SPD. Workers Parties, just as Adolph Hitler's NSDAP party was a workers party. NSDAP = National Socialistische Deutsche Arbeiters Partei, Hitler was Austrian. The Dutch name is PvdA = Partei van de Arbeit, and agrees to be called Social Democrats. Partei is German for Party, Arbeit is German for Work or Workers. Frei is German for Free. Laborus cunuit liberabelis or something in Latin. Labor will be from the Romanist Latin word for work, arbeit, for the Helly Inquisition slaves producing taxes and torture victims by registred marriage and the mandatory school system. The highly selected Roman Universities in Rome teach in Latin, Latin words or diriviates, should one always make suspicious. In Dutch spelling this would be Partij van de Arbeid. Some German words look a lot like Dutch words. State reductionism by propaganda and is their philosophy, and get many votes in Britain, Germany and Holland, while basing themselves also on the lie, that the Spanish civil war was Socialist, while supressing the truth about the Spanish Civil war and General Franco's absence at the Neurenberg trials, while importing more Maroccans that also do assassinations for the Roman Catholics, like the killing of Bible believing Protestant Theo van Gogh, the only wistle blower that would defend Israel against the arrogant propaganda by newspapers and the Anne Frank Stichting, that promotes the American ADL. Maroccans make extra money also by the kidnapping of our women for drug trade and prostitution, Islam wants them to convert Calvinists into Moslems by marriage, this conversion propaganda against Calvinism is 100% supported by ALL media and 100% violently dictatorial any truth denying, by media perverted, government personel. All Maroccans are criminals, but get more government support, than people that emigrated from other countries or Native Dutch First People. Traitors and a fifth colonne, and have 2 passports and a military training, while the Dutch have a harder time to flee the by all journalists hidden war against the last Protestants in Europe. There is not much of us left. Besides myself I know only Ian Paisley and 2 or 3 Dutch from the internet, all people I meet like family and friends are Roman Catholics, Reformed Neocalvinists, Mullatoizing Ecumenical Christians, Socialists, Fascists, New Age-ers, Truthers, and any other fanatic superstition or severe infiltrated Protestant initiatives. I myself am a normal person in defence against all that, as thank God some more are found.

It seems common sense is prohibited by Opus Dei and other Vaticanites giving the jobs in the EU and the Netherlands, also on the local level. Just as in the Sovjet Union, with better control through datamining. The same propaganda though, they even admit it. People get killed, the brainwashed people believe any Cancer or Heart Attack story from the Knights Hospitallers.

May Pensylvania seceed and join New Amsterdam,
Brother Roelfzema
( * I ordered and recieved Vatican Assassins at your Lowvem in around oktober 2008, and would sent you 50 Euro's, having the map of Europe, where you can see that Europe where White culture was created, is full of seas.)

HeelBrabant AfscheidingsBeweging 1252366443-720

Laatst aangepast door Roelfzema op wo sep 16, 2009 7:58 am; in totaal 1 keer bewerkt

Aantal berichten : 349
Woonplaats : Heelbrabant
Points : 5913
Reputation : 7
Registration date : 26-12-08

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HeelBrabant AfscheidingsBeweging Empty part 2

Bericht  Roelfzema di sep 08, 2009 3:28 am

South Africa became a very small country in 1815. A former colony without a protector, as the Dutch Republic was their protector, before Napoleon invaded the Dutch Republic around 1800. Since 1814 the Dutch people are all brainwashed. From around 1800 on the Dutch Republic was destroyed. Napoleon's brother, Louis Napoleon, became the first king of the Netherlands, King William the 1st was the second king. After King William the Third died, looks like killing to me because Roman Catholic authors call William 3 Anti-Catholic, there has been no King in Holland, only Queens. In Denmark they have their first Queen, because being a Queen has been prohibited in Denmark, until the current Queen arrived. Britain had already a Queen when the Romans took Britain unto the Hadrian wall, and the Romans used her to make the English and Welsh people obedient to Romanism. Scotland was not invaded by Romans, visible in the Hadrian wall, they must have had powerful prophets there. The border of the Roman Empire in Holland was just below the Province of Holland, the river Rhine. The 2000 year old Romanist barracks are Romanist cities today, like Nijmegen and Maastricht, where EU agreements where signed. These are also Roman Catholic intellectual centra in the Netherlands. William Silent would study in Bruxelles, the Capitol of Brabant, the northern border of the Roman Empire 2000 years ago. Napoleon made Netherlands and Belgium into one Monarchy in 1800, that later was destroyed with the Belgian revolt in 1830. Belgium is on the south of the River Rhine. But Belgium is just a part of the Dutch Republic under Siege by Propaganda and lies against the Prince the Orange, the Silent. Belgium is a new country that was started in 1830. The Prince the Orange is the bloodline of William the Silent, so was Prince Bernhard. I'll have to check on what you say he was a Roman Catholic, but I think not so, because he was an openly polygamist, that would take care of his children he had with other wives/girlfriends than the Dutch Queen. Roman Catholics are never open Polygamists, because that is prohibited to them. I would read some where that Prins Maurits in the 17th century had over a hundred children, and all his wives would get money from the Prince in order to take care of their children. Jan van Leyden was also a polygamist, polygamism is only found outside the Pervertist Roman Catholic Cult. If Prince Bernhard was a Roman Catholic in name, it would have been against poisoning. Prince Bernhard was a great warrior, became over 90 years old. And attacked by all the Blackcoats over here, that accuse him of working with Fascists during Hitler's inquisitional onslaught, while the real co operation between the Vatican and the Fascists is kept 100% secret over here in the Netherlands by the Socialism enforcing school institutions and traitorous press. And denied, depending on the level of hypocrisy. Although NATO is merely killing for the Pope, it is the only powerful military organisation different from the United Nations. Without NATO, the UN would be very very powerful. The United Nations was started without any Dutch influence, because the Netherlands was Neutral in the First World War. NATO was started by the Netherlands through the late Prince Bernhard, through the Bilderbergers as you call them, and do not always agree. Any how, soldiers here may be called just as well Zuoavs, because the Press lies about and keeps secret the truth on former Yougoslabia and any other facts on the NATO wars. Just as in the USA. The State Secretary of NATO a Dutch Roman Catholic by the name of Paap the Hope Scheffer, that would run for Prime Minister, but than his Roman Catholic Center party would loose votes, because he was very much hated here, also by fellow papes. If that happens, these politicians get bribed by other from taxmoney seriously over paid governement jobs. Democracy is a dictatorship of Propaganda, that can be controlled by money and assassinations, foreign or otherwise. This includes legal assassinations, that I and many others experienced several times. The works of Avro Manhattan are censored over here today, and also in Britain. Thanks to internet and American websites, and people like you, this information is becoming available again here now. In the 16th century this was known in Europe, but since Napoleon's invasions this knowledge is sabotaged by the illegal Dutch State, openly hostile towards Calvinism and any other truth, while denying that a Constitution even exists! Lawless heretics, heathens, perverts in all levels of life and conduct. Money is the only thing they believe in, easy well paid puppets that don't ask questions. Conspiracy nuts, making daily advertisements against Al Quaida every day in every Newspaper. Paid for by stolen money under their propaganda word taxes. No wonder all teachers are socialists! And it's not getting any better, only worse, just as in the USA.

All French Aristocracy was beheaded in France during the French Revolution, and this forced Aristocracy to comply to Roman Catholics with their Papacy, or get killed by the people. The Gay Pride movement of Loyola would use the propaganda word "Patriot" for these traitors in the French Revolution Faction philosophy in the Dutch Republic. Normal people, loyal to the Prince the Orange and the Theocratic Dutch Republic where named Orangists. That was a minority, opposing the huge and armed Masonic run Patriot Faction. The Dutch word Patriot has an opposite meaning to the English meaning, and is never used in such context. It is a little more complicated, because of all the conspiracy, I more or less just tell the official history here. When the Boer Wars happened in South Africa in second half of the 19th century, the Netherlands did not help out against the British. All Dutch international Common Wealth was before destroyed by Napoleon running all French and behind the scenes with the Papal shadow government, ruling Britain, and after the Napoleonic invasion also the Netherlands. When King Emmanual and Garibaldi started to end the Papal States in what is now Italy, but the Dutch did not help out the Italian heroes, but would allow the Roman Catholics to recruit and sent Dutch Zuoavs, just as John Surrat was. About 5000. There are many ignorant traitors here, financed and bribed by Counter Reformation intellectual and military constructs of propaganda after destroying information and any Protestant succes. But as seen from history, every Zuoaav, however ignorant, is also an enemy to the Dutch Republic, where Roman Catholicism was prohibited, just as in Japan. That the Dutch did not help out Garibaldi and Victor Emmanuel in the 1800's, is because information here is controlled and sabotaged, just as we recently saw done in relation to Yougoslabia. We could have solved the Katholische Frage back than in Italy, or a nice small genocide to warn against high treason and ignorance, we must repent for this terrible mistake. Most Dutch today believe that Serbs are very evil people, and the many other lies that the Gay Pride movement of Loyola and other papes, is spreading here in the overcontrolled press. Many Opus Dei, often SM perverts, they have a Roman Catholic Bishop in the North, protected by police army and other media propaganda. The psychological warfare is very succesful, people keep the Roman Catholic Sainteclaus feasts in the Netherlands, while this was prohibited all over Europe, when Reformation was succesful in Europe.

If I'm not wrong, from around 1600 to 1800, Japan and the Netherlands where the only countries on the planet, where Roman Catholicism was prohibited. Britain also had some times they succeeded to kick out these Luciferian propaganda slaves of Bribery and Bible burning commercial inquisitors. Ignorant rapists sometimes. Roman Catholics are tools, cursed by God for their Blasphemy. Transubstantiation? Only Hate can explain Transubstantiation. And I saw also a youtube movie from a Japanese, not to happy with this war in Iraq. Britain started to expel Roman Catholicism during the reign of Queen Elisabeth during the 1500's. Queen Elisabeth was the daughter of Anna Boleyn, a Protestant. Anna Boleyn became a beheaded Protestant, and her daughter Queen Elisabeth would behead her niece, Bloody Mary Tudor. Prins Maurits of the States would behead traitors also, just as Queen Elisabeth did. Elisabeth is very much loved here in Holland, rightly so. King William of Orange later protected the British Normal people in Britain for a while, untill poisoned after British Parliament destroyed William's Dutch Body Guard presence. That recue is still remembered by the Northern Irish Protestants. Again and a again, the Prince the Orange sacrified himself for the sake of the people, our saviour, and remembered in the Orange March on the 12th of July even more so than in Holland itself. We did not put them British in concentration camps or anything! Iraq? Iraq is not supported by NATO, is a British United Nations thing, but the war in Afganistan is supported by NATO, because the very hostile Dutch Government over here supports the Al Quaida Conspiracy Theory openly, by sending troops to Afganistan. Because of 911, while New Amsterdam is British New York now, not Dutch, so invading Afganistan for New York being bombed is their responsibility, not ours. Well, I don´t believe in this Al Quaida Conspiracy, so Rome at the Potomac should maybe be invaded by NATO, according to inside job research and common sense, not Afganistan. A hypothesis is not a theory until proven by an experiment that can be repeated, but lyers hate the truth because will get beheaded, strangled, questioned whatever, if truth prevails, and sabotage experiments an honest research by falsification, assassinations, bribery. Traitor is reading this: Surrender while you can!

The Pilgrims would flee from Britain to the Netherlands, before they went to America. Maybe you think that much inquisition was here, but also, the country would get overcrowded, because many refugees came to the Netherlands. Amsterdam was an only safe place for Jews in Europe for a while. Waldenses came here in the 15th century, the King of the Anabaptists was a Dutchman, Jan van Leiden. In English this name maybe would be Jon Vanleyden. In "Van" means "from", refering to the city where such a person is coming from. Leiden in Dutch, or Leyden in English, a city in Holland. Pilgrims lived in Leyden for a while, before they went to America. If you see the Flag of that city, you might have an idea in how Popish propaganda was battled. Pilgrims will have been the first English speaking people living in America. Mennonites and Amish are also started from Dutch Prophets. Menno Simonsz is the prophet of the Mennonites, a very Dutch name, meaning Menno is a son of a man named Simon. Today these cultures can NOT survive in the Netherlands, the Police and Army only follow orders from the current Gay Pope and his henchman. Fascists. On Roman Catholic based propaganda of mandatory Babylonian Sunday worship, allowing Markets on the Sabbath. They arrest homeschoolers, all believe in the Al Quaida Conspiracy Theory, that is an hypothesis, and any honest police officer is in prison, killed or fired from the force. Maybe not all, but to many. 10 Police officers where used to arrest 1 unarmed artist telling the truth last year in 2008, Gregorius Nekschot, the hypocracy of the Police is the biggest problem that the people here face. The brave Belgian Police officer that researched the witnesses of Marc Dutroux and other trails, werkgroep Morkhoven, is put in prison by the Belgian Pedophile Network running all politics and media, and I am not Anti Police. Several police officers in Belgium that researched Marx Dutroux where killed by the Belgian government, according to articles I saw on the internet. Have I become your enemy, because I tell the truth? Leyden was the city, where the Pilgrims would flee from Britain, and because many ships where used here for fishing, they became fisher of men, that would build ships to go to America. Joseph was a Carpenter, so building wooden ships for fisher of men, may be seen as fathering Jesus Christ's teachings. This was during the 80~year war, and the Roman Catholics had huge armies, killing Protestants where they could, just as they do today under police protection. Examples of that are also found in the USA, not only in Europe, Africa and Vietnam. Even China has persecution by police under the "cult" argument, supported by lies and information censorship. Hermandad.

The people that went to South Africa where not Pilgrims, but just people that needed to live there and help out the Sailors to the East. An Architectical construct. Engineers and common sense where very important in the reformed warfare life. Songs where also created to battle the Diabolical Roman Propaganda, just as today Youtube movies, because the battle was mostly against Propaganda. Transubstantiation, it sounds so difficult, rather convincing. Novus Ordo Seclorum. Any way, American Protestants have Ancestors that where persecuted, South African White people had a legal state religion that often is refered to as Calvinism, but protects freedom of Religion. Mostly by making Roman Catholicism prohibited, because that is the way that Freedom of Religion is made. Roman Catholicism is only Inquisition, nothing else, a military construct for Luciferian power behind the scenes. A military infiltration. My sources for this acknowledgement is all history. I am open to any arguments against my definition, but all occurences support the hypothesis, although not acknowledged by superstitious people here. They prefer the Al Quaida Conspiracy Theory and the Heart Attack story. The plant that creates a Heart Attack not to be traced by autopsy, is a very well known local plant, so poisoning in a hospital is a probable cause for many never researched murders amongst the local people here. Preventing common sense to such a conclusion is more dangerous, than acknowledging such a scary thought.

Laatst aangepast door Roelfzema op wo sep 09, 2009 7:08 pm; in totaal 1 keer bewerkt

Aantal berichten : 349
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HeelBrabant AfscheidingsBeweging Empty Pensylvania secession movement agrees

Bericht  Roelfzema di sep 08, 2009 3:25 am

Ik heb de boel uitgelegd aan Professor Phelps. Deze is het met ons eens dragonfist, hier is de briefwisseling;

Dear Brother Roelfzema,

Thank you for your most detailed email and correction. I shall review it and make the corrections on a broadcast next week.

And yes, let us secede from the temporal power of Rome via Washington and Amsterdam. May the great Amsterdam experience a true moving of the Spirit of God and may her leaders begin to resist the Order at every level. I will be cheering you on brother!

Lord Bless,

Brother Eric


Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 11:49 PM
Subject: Mistake made in an august show in Biblical Truth in His Story and Prophecy.

Mistake in an august show in Biblical Truth in His Story and Prophecy.

1. Holland started NATO through Bilderberg and William Silent's bloodline.
2. Holland started the European Union, by an effort to unite Belgium to the Netherlands in the Benelux project
3. Holland started the United States of America, that Constitution is based in the Dutch Republic
4. Holland's landmass is in the middle of France, Germany and Britain, known from international trade, warfare and technology

Dear Brother in Christ,

Some where in the second half of August 2009 you said, that the White people of South Africa where refugees from Europe. This is not truth. The truth is, that South Africa started as a colony to gather food for the ships that went to the East. The East to Europe is Japan, China, India, Australia and so forth. The Panama Canal did not exist back than. Neither did the Suez Canal. If one wanted to sail from Europe to the East, this had to to done around the south point of Africa. From Europe sailing to India in a wooden home made ship took a year, made sailors get scurvy, they needed fresh food and sweet water, so on the south point of Africa a colony was made, consisting of White Dutch people, farmers. The Rietbeeck Colony, Orange Freestate, were Dutch Colonies. Orange County in the USA may also be from Dutch Origen, because William the Silent was named William of Orange and Nassow, a protector of the Dutch Native First people. Today Holland looks like some Northern African country, with mulattoized Ecumenical Christians and Moslem mulatto's with Mosks and Roman Catholic temples for Lucifer Worship in almost every town. But before that, South Africa was an outpost to grow food for the brave White sailors to the East. They saved lives by making food for them. South Africa was a part of the Netherlands, Leo Belgicus, the United Provinces, the States, whatever the name was of that Republic, until the invasion of Napoleon in 1795, supported by named Blackcoats as Jan Roothaan and Abbe Sieyas, Loyola's Gay Pride movement. I put it that way, because I several times dismantled an infiltrating Blackcoat, because I noticed he was a Homosexual Roman Catholic, and thus I started to ask specific questions. A quick way to dismantle them, often without themselves knowing it, but merely informing the congregation they would infiltrate seemed impossible to me without back-up.

South Africa was also an outpost for international trade and warfare against the Roman Catholics in the East. The 80~year war in Holland, 1572~1660, was a war against the Roman Catholics, not a war against Spain. There is also proof for that in official history that was teached me at the current Socialist school system here, because the Duke of Alba was sent to The Low countries, because of the Statue Storm in 1566, that the Roman Catholics call Iconiclaster, that was a peaceful way to reduce Blasphemy. I would find 80~year war being against Roman Catholics and not Spain out from an historian that published the truth on the Netherlands over here in Dutch. Sometimes brother had to fight brother, if only a part of the family would convert out of Popery. The States General, as the Dutch Senat is called, ordered them to wash the feet of the enemy, meaning, throw them into the sea to kill em all. Once a sailor found his brother on the enemy ship of the Papists, so he would wash the feet of his brother close to shore in Sealand, that's the Province below Holland, at the beach, in order to follow orders while saving his brother's life. Dutch fighting Dutch, while the Roman Catholic Dutch where supported by the Heretical Spanish government. The Taking down of the blasphemous statues of the Papists in a peaceful manner in 1566, the local people would agree on the act. In fact, the landmass now called Netherlands, was called The States for a while when victorious, just as your country now, so there is the relation to the Dutch Republic and the USA also in the name. Before the American Constitution was created, the United Provinces was called the States, that might be understood from the viewpoint that my Ancestors where internationalists. And still are, the concept that Sadam Hussain was the Axis of Evil and had Weapons of Mass Destruction, what all British and Americans believe, is not believed over here. Well, US and British police believes the Sadam Hussain Conspiracy, otherwise Tony Blair would have been arrested in an ordened fashion. Tony Blair is a Conspiracy nut, and George Bush also. Barry Davis also it seems, because does not stop the war made by the "Weapons of Mass Destruction Conspiracy" Nuts. This word was invented by CNN, while interviewing a scientist for 911 common sense, not by me, I just hijacked the word. I would not call any one a nutcase, as these journalists do.

The Dutch name for the United Provinces was de Staten. The senat is still named after that, much more Dutch history is found in the Dutch language. Holland is the Province in the centre of the United Provinces and the North Sea, currently divided in a North and a South Province, in order to oppress the Dutch Republic. The country itself is also divided, into Belgium and the Netherlands. Belgium is now the only Country here in Western Europe, where the Blackcoats where never expelled. The language of Belgium is Dutch, Flanders, and French, Walloons. The province where I live, Brabant, is divided into North and South also. The South is in Belgium, and the North is in the Netherlands, since the succesful Belgian Revolt from 1830. I started a secession movement here this year, where I seceed my province from the Netherlands, Belgium and the European Union with Brabant. The Heelbrabant afscheidings beweging.
In English would be: United Brabant secession movement. Other provinces may help out if they want, by seceeding also. I only made a pamphlet and uploaded it to the web. I hope though that if Pensylvania and New York seceed, that we might Unite in a Global Secession movement against the Vatican and their wars for the Pope, as today we have in Afganistan and Iraq. I pray that one of the Princes of Orange may be Silent, the secession movement I have started here is in support of the House of Orange. Becoming a Prince in a Republic again, but may remain King in Holland, whether Holland seceeds or not, but may retain military position, that was lost by Prince Bernhard because of the Lockheed Affair. I would want to, remember him that Britain is bigger than Holland, and that I would support the take over the House of Windsor for a while, if needed. Further I wanne kill all Roman Catholics with the help of Concentration Camps and Zyklon B. Many Catholics get killed by the Blackcoats any way, I noticed. They'll be happy to sacrifice themselves for the children, and maybe get beatified by the Pope. Bathasar Geradsz was not beatified, but several other Roman Catholic Insaints where. Like the Martyrs of Gorkum, having pilgrimages and all. There is money to be made from that, because several Roman Catholics in Brabant are very very rich, because they are protected to be used by the Blackcoats from Belgium. Belgium is an international Roman Catholic centre for Pedophiles and Arms, because the Blackcoats have complete control over the Belgian Monarchs, education and politics. Belgium is Roman Catholic, Netherlands is Protestant, but because the Protestants in the North are so much infiltrated, it looks the other way around. Any way, Belgians and south Dutch must go read John Calvin and understand who the AntiChrist is, otherwise the secession will fail. So I translated some Istitutes of the Christian Religion from English to Dutch, that should make the secession movement succeed.
If the secession is succesful, I am interested in these Guillotines that you have in the USA. There is many many Roman Catholics in Europe to use them on. If the United Brabant Secession movement is a succes, we can use Bruxelles, and maybe some time in the future invade Switzerland in a peaceful manner, because Switzerland is not part of the EU, while it's full of Gold from Fort Knox and all, that we can use in order to defend Israel against the Arabs and any other enemy...

* Sailing from Holland to America is easy in comparison, because one sails to Iceland, than to Greenland, following to Canada New York would be the first city. This was also known and done by the Vikings, who had ships strong enough to sail that way. While fishing discovering Iceland, is easy to understand, in comparison to Columbus. Iceland is an island between Greenland and Norway. Norway is part of a group of large peninsulas called Scandinavia, where the Vikings came from. Northern Europe knew that America existed already around 500 AD. Scandinavians often refer to Eric the Red and other histories. New Amsterdam became a Dutch Colony, that had the same language as South Africa and Flanders, Dutch. Huegenotes, often from French origen fled here also, had gotten the same idea as Pilgrims, and many other idealists, as we see with Amish, a typical Dutch Principle, that is training Engineering. It seems to me, that Canada might have had French speaking population from the fleeing French Huegenotes. I was kinda surprised that Charles Cliniguy would have a Bible in his youth, because this was strictly forbidden and burned by ALL Roman Catholics, untill the Second Vatican Council, that ended only in 1963. Where did Charles's mother get that Bible? These people would flee to America, against the invasions of popish run Spain, popish run France, and later popish run Germany, while the popish run British would put Dutch people in Concentration Camps in South Africa around the time the Papal States where attacked by the brave Italian heroes King Victor Emmanuel and Guiseppe Garibaldi, as today we have brave Italians as Leo Zagami and Sabina Guzzanti. Popish run British also invaded New York, Chris Trunk knows more about that than I do, but the Dutch would buy the land from the local Natives, as we are not thieves. It looks to me, that Charles Cliniguy´s mother was a Huegenote, married to a Roman Catholic, as he was ordered to do by the Counter Reformation, and that is why Charles Cliniguy was so ignorant to become a priest, but repented because he would read the Bible, just as Alberto Rivera did. If Roman Catholicism is prohibited, there will be more and better Bibles, and people need not to repent all the time. Any way, you and many other American Wistle Blowers are great heroes over here in White West Asia, where being a Buccaneer is a legal and honorable profession.

The truth is kept secret in Britain and Holland. I suppose also in France and the German countries. I more or less understand some Amish Spirit, because I also refuse to use several technology. When in the 1600's King William of Orange would protect the North Ireland Protestants against the Roman Catholic onslaught from Brainwashed South Ireland, as we experience this REAL IRA proof for popery today, here in Europe, the Dutch had better weapons as the Roman Catholics, also because infiltration was not as succesful back than, as it is now. If a congregation can prevent infiltration, while being engaged in the global picture, at a certain time, because more people can devolep because less corruption, this people get better technology than the Roman Catholics. And surely more than Moslems. Strange propaganda. Any way, from what I understood, the Amish still speak Dutch, Amish can understand more or less the South African language. Because we have had no contact last 3 centuries, our language has changed, but can be recognized. The religion of South Africa was 100% Calvinism, just as this was in the Netherlands from around 1600 to 1800, where at start the Sabbath was kept during the Golden Age in Rembrandt's time. Today there is mandatory Sunday law in the Netherlands by the Pope, Commercial Markets on the Sabbath, every one here is a slave of whatever the Papists want to do with them. Dutch are cursed by God for all this Blasphemy. Most Dutch White people are raped using amnesia drugs and other technology, many carreers sabotaged, all children brainwashed by the Socialist teachers in the, too often heretical, mandatory School system. All inventions are stolen by the Roman Catholics, their Babylonian Helly Inquisition is every where.

This forum does not allow longer posts. The next part of the letter will be in the next post.

Laatst aangepast door Roelfzema op wo sep 23, 2009 6:50 am; in totaal 1 keer bewerkt

Aantal berichten : 349
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Registration date : 26-12-08

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HeelBrabant AfscheidingsBeweging Empty Hagepreken

Bericht  Roelfzema di feb 10, 2009 4:33 am

dragonfist, er zijn twee hagepreken waarin deze dingen verder uitgelegd worden hier;

Eric Jon Phelps - Feb 05, 2009.mp3

Eric Jon Phelps - Feb 06, 2009.mp3

Voor meer hagepreken:

Aantal berichten : 349
Woonplaats : Heelbrabant
Points : 5913
Reputation : 7
Registration date : 26-12-08

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HeelBrabant AfscheidingsBeweging Empty HeelBrabant AfscheidingsBeweging

Bericht  dragonfist di feb 10, 2009 2:49 am

HeelBrabant AfscheidingsBeweging

Dit poogt een schets onder contructie te zijn, nog geen officieel instrument.
De auteurs en publicisten nemen geen enkele verantwoordelijkheid voor citaten uit dit pamflet buiten de context van vrijwillige medewerking door de verschillende partijen. Het is iedereen toegestaan het pamflet aan te passen naar eigen ontwerp, maar wij vragen vriendelijk doch dringend de bron van uw download onbesproken te houden.


Medelanders uit andere provincies kunnen ons steunen, door een Heelbrabantse kolonie te worden. Lieden van andere rassen kunnen ons steunen door het Blanke Oppergezag in Brabant te erkennen. Daar bij is gezegd, dat iemand geen enkele moraal kan baseren op zijn of haar huidskleur, dat blanken evengoed geen enkel gezegsrecht kunnen verlenen aan wat dan ook, als deze geen inzicht en kennis hebben van de Heilige Schrift.

Zolang het woord Calvinisme gestolen is door Hollandse Papisten als Roothaan, zullen wij het gezag van Amsterdam als Hoofdstad pas weer erkennen, als de wijk Geuzenveldje hernoemt wordt tot Papenveldje. Suggestie zij daarbij, dat papenakkers vruchtbare gronden kunnen zijn voor onze varkens. Wij Heelbrabanders zijn historisch verplicht onze dank te bewijzen voor de inname van Den Bosch, de machtigste vestingstad van West Azië. De prijs voor het beleg van onze mooie hoofdstad door Prins Frederik Hendrik en Ingenieur Leegwater, was de door Admiraal Piet Hein's mannen op papisten geconfisceerde Zilvervloot. Heelbrabanders zien zich genoodzaakt deze investering tenminste terug te verdienen aan de Staten, en zullen belasting gaan betalen aan de Staten, waarvan op moment bekend 8 Staten in deze Secession beweging actief zijn. Pensylvania en New York waren de eersten. Nieuw Amsterdam heeft dus al een afscheidingsbeweging als deze.

Via diplomatie zal de heidense Euro vervangen worden door de Dollar.
Wapenbezit zal aanvankelijk verplicht gesteld worden aan blanke volwassen mannen. Gevolgen zijn ondermeer, dat mannen bereid moeten zijn een Posse samen te stellen om de wijkbewaker bij te staan. bodyguard5 van de ped0f1elen van de EU en Unesco is hier illegaal, vooral Hollandse bodyguard5 van de ped0f1elen van de EU en Unesco! Behalve een diploma voor beheersen van wapens, zal er ook getraint moeten worden en getraint moeten blijven met vuurwapens, anders zal er Statenbelasting gedokt moeten worden voor overlaten van de veiligheid aan anderen. Dat vuurwapen past in iedere hand. Men kan ook verwachten dat het elimineren van moordenaars en verkrachters een gangbare gerechtsgang zal zijn. Wapens dienen de veiligheid te dienen en niet omgekeerd. Vermengen van de landmacht met andere beroepssectoren dient een einde aan de blinde orders van de onvrijwillige propaganda van de buitenlanders met verschuldigde schiettraining door onze dure militaire adviseurs die daar al werken.

New York, Nieuw Amsterdam, werd gestolen van de Geusen door King James 2nd. Dat was een papist. Diens neef heette : The Duke of York. De huidige naam van de stad is genaamt naar de neef van deze papistische koning van Engeland. In New York wonen echter nog steeds Joden en mensen die zich inzetten voor vrijheid van pers en obstructie van de Katholieke infiltratie in Staat en Gemeente. De eerste Katholieke Burgemeester van New York was All Smith vanaf 1949. Het meerendeel van de Katholieke New Yorkers is geïmporteerd met een politieke agenda, want niet alle Britten zijn Rooms Katholiek. New York kan wel wat hulp gebruiken; wij denken hier bij aan de overwinningen van stadhouder Willem 3, de Koning van Engeland. Bekend onder engelssprekenden als William of Orange, niet te verwarren met William Silent. De rol die Willem de Zwijger speelde bij de bekering van Koningin Elisabeth was evident. Het neerhalen van het World Trade Center op 11/9/2001 wordt door meer dan 50% van de New Yorkers erkend als zijnde een Inside Job, zoals het Bonfire Plot in 1605 door Guy Fawkes met de andere samenzweerders.

Ter Ambassade in onze Hollandse kolonie, papisten onderworpen door Calvinisten de Brabanders, stellen wij voorlopig voor het van Gogh Museum. Hiëronimus Bosch heeft de lelijkste Kathedraal van West Azië opgefleurd met correct profeterende graffity. Wij Brabanders hopen ook welkom te blijven in Amsterdam. Brabantse Katholieken zullen uitgemoord worden, tenzij die zich willen bekeren. In de gaskamers er mee. Dit is ook geprofeteerd op de Kathedraal. Een prokatholieke opmerking, dewelke danook slechts gebaseerd is op het hedendaags geloof in werken door de Rooms Katholieke Antichristelijke Cult. Een citaat uit de Katholieke Priester opleiding:
"Aldus kunnen ketters (protestanten) niet getolereerd worden omdat ze dat zouden verdienen, we moeten ze verdragen, tot aan bij de tweede waarschuwing, opdat ze mogen terugkeren tot de papentempel. Maar dewelke, na de tweede waarschuwing, koppig blijven in hun vergissingen, moeten niet enkel geëxcommuniceerd, maar ze moeten worden overgebracht naar de arm der wet om te worden uitgeroeid."
-Thomas van Aquino in de Summa Theologica, deel 4 pagina 90

Holland is hier aan medeplichtig, omdat Holland de Godslasterlijke Koning Willem 1 niet beschermde jegens zichzelf. Dat is begrijpelijk, maar ook illegaal, aldus de zuidelijke Nederlanden. Christus is Koning, wij gedogen geen godslasterlijk Katholicisme. Als Holland niet sterk genoeg is zich te verdedigen, is het de plicht van elke Heelbrabander de Heelhollander te helpen. Het Noord en Zuid moet er uit. De Haag is geen stad, maar een militaire constructie jegens de vijand, waar lieden als Slobodan Milosovitch opgevangen kunnen worden ter recrutering naar het Nationalistisch Partizanen leger van West Azië. Kathedralen kunnen niet gemakkelijk gebombardeerd worden door de vijand, dus zullen geconfisceerd worden door Partizaan geliëerde leger onderdelen voor stadsbewaking en opslag van duurdere wapens.

Het is Heelbrabants plicht te assisteren in de arrestatie van in Friesland geïmporteerde Katholieken. Aangezien er een Friesche Papentempel in het Vatikaan is, zullen bepaalde buitenlandse militaire betrekkingen mogelijk via Friesland gedelegeerd gaan worden. De huidige schandalige ontwikkelingen binnen de Landmacht en andere legeronderdelen, daarvan leggen wij als tegenprestatie de verantwoordelijkheid bij Friesland. Heelfreisen kunnen rekenen op steun van de afscheiding van Friesland van Duitsland en Holland, waarbij Heelbrabant vriendelijk vraagt de logistieke problemen binnen het internationale door ons Heelbrabanders te laten delegeren. Door gebrek aan informatie over de infiltratie van de Friesche Synode door de papisten, kunnen er momenteel geen toezeggingen kunnen worden gedaan over een gewenste leiding inzake de internationale secessie van West Azië door de Friesche Synode.

Wallonië blijft wat ons betreft Franstalig. Maar het zal ook een kolonie worden, zolang er nog Katholicisme gedoogt wordt. Willem de Zwijger sprak de Franse taal vloeiend, Frankrijk recruteerde later Zouaven in Holland voor hun steun aan de Paus, het is dus onveilig om de Franse taal niet te bestuderen en levend te houden in de Nederlanden. Admiraal Lumey kwam uit Wallonië, dus Heelbrabanders beschouwen de Protestante Walloniërs als grotere helden als henzelf, net als de Friezen. Laatste vanwege de terechte stelling van Bonifatius, de eerste Papist. Wij bekeren ons, wij vragen aan de andere provincies zich ook te bekeren uit de papistische propaganda waarop de huidige Staten Generaal haar beslissingen baseert, aldus de media en scholen.

Secundair doel van de Heelbrabantse secessie is de confiscatie van de Hoofdstad van de huidig door de papisten aanbeden heidense griekse godin Europa. Demonen preferen zich ook god te noemen. West Azië is voorlopig een redelijker naam voor deze door heidenen geplunderde Reformatorische Staten samenwerking. Souvereine Staten die samenwerken. Het woord kolonie dient hier dan op te vatten als een gemeenschap van vrije Westaziatische mensen, beschermt door Brabanders. Wapenbezit voor elke Brabandse man is dan niet enkel noodzakelijk, het moeten ook betere wapens zijn dan die van de vijand. Een training gebaseerd op eerlijkheid en verifïeerbaar gezond verstand, met stimulans voor ingenieurs. Vanwege de strategische situatie kunnen we heden niet meer informatie geven over verdere inname van Brussel. En Strassburg. Het is onze plicht Duitse traditioneel protestantse landen bij te staan, zoals Pruisen ons bij stond ten tijde van de Franse Revolutie en Brittanië na de inval van Adolf Hitler.

Zolang er nog Limburgers zijn die menen dat Bokkerijders niet legaal zijn, zal Limburg worden gezien als een Heelbrabantse kolonie. Wij vragen vriendelijk doch dringend de Limburgers zich te bekeren tot de Heilige Schrift, ten overstaan van het verwerpelijk Antichristelijke Katholicisme. Vrijwillige kamikazes kunnen aanmonsteren bij het leger, zodat we misschien het Vatikaan kunnen bombarderen met Limburgers. Alternatief is Varkensvoer, u kan kiezen. Heellimburgers kunnen zich aansluiten bij de Staten, waarbij het onze plicht is dedezen te ondersteunen met informatie van de vele kazernes van de vijand die in Limburg gelegerd zijn. Godslasterijke afgodsbeelden zullen omgekeerd worden, wat het tegendeel is van Satanisme, al meent de Katholiek dan andere dingen. Katholieken kunnen niet autonoom denken, maar worden bestuurd door Heer Lucifer als poppen die blind orders volgen. Dat is minder beschaaft dan dieren zijn. Onderhouden van de Sabbath is een van de 10 geboden, Calvinisten zijn geen Heksen. Als u deze leugens vol wil houden, dan zullen Calvinistische ingenieurs dan maar bewijzen dat de Bijbel Hekserij is, een toverboek. Wie het laatst lacht lacht het best en eerlijk duurt het langst.

Door de Sabotage op de Vrijstaat van Vianen, wat nog steeds niet vergolden is, is Utrecht zo paaps, dat het een Kardinaal huisvest. Een vriendelijk verzoek naar Utrechtenaren zich te bekeren, want Utrecht is momenteel een propaganda centrum van de vijand, somtijds met levensgevaar geïnfiltreerd door een Protestant. Hilversum verteld leugens als waarheid, wat regelrecht landverraad is. Bekering lijkt ons dan ook voorlopig onmogelijk. Secession bewegingen voor Utrechtenaren zullen zich tevreden moeten stellen met militaire interventie door Heelbrabant, mocht de secessie beweging hier succesvol worden. Waarop de rest van Nederland hopelijk in de toekomst kan gaan ontdekken dat er geen Propaganda geproduceerd meer wordt in Hilversum, maar dat Hilversum een bijdrage gaat leveren aan informeren en opleiden van Nederlanders voor de souvereine staat.

Gaarne uw bijdragen aan de oplossingen die de Brabanders aandragen. Het is niet bekend of deze afscheiding van het EU ook gaat lukken. Wij kunnen nog niets garanderen. Dus wij zijn zeer geïnteresseerd in andere secessie bewegingen. Ik hoop dat in dit pamflet de strategische problemen genoeg geïllustreed zijn om te begrijpen dat secessie van Brabant een stap is in inname van Brussel voor de Prins van Oranje. De Kaiser.
De meeste lintjes in Nederland worden aangevraagd door Brabanders, want wij zijn trouw aan Hara Majesteit. Dit is omdat wij weten hoe gevaarlijk en slinks het gedoogde Katholicisme is. Ze dorsten hier geen heidense kruisbeelden te planten zoals in Limburg. De splinter van Reformatorisch Protestantisme vinden wij als underdog gepresenteerd in de politiek, terwijl dat het enige bestaansrecht geeft voor Nederland. Nederland als provincie van de heidense Europese Unie is een ramp, dagelijks worden wij daar voor gewaarschuwt door berichtgevingen. In ieder geval, omdat andere provincies minder lintjes aanvragen dan de andere provincies, bekijken wij de andere provincies met een terecht wantrouwen inzake onze door lintjes en dit pamflet bewezen trouw aan het huis van Oranje Nassau.


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